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Dexpanthenol (Vitamin B5) Injection (30 mL Vial)
250 mg/mL
About Dexpanthenol (Vitamin B5) Injection
Bupropion HCl
The aminoketone class of oral antidepressants includes bupropion. It has no relation to other recognized antidepressants and is not a tricyclic antidepressant. Bupropion has been well tolerated in individuals using tricyclic antidepressants for orthostatic hypotension; nonetheless, it has a higher risk of producing seizures than other antidepressants. Bupropion is also indicated for use as an aide to smoking cessation, and is used off-label for addiction to smokeless tobacco. The drug has been shown to help people with COPD quit smoking when combined with behavior modification. Bupropion is also used off-label for multiple neurological/psychological uses, including ADHD and neuropathic pain. Bupropion hydrochloride was originally approved by the FDA in December 1985 but was removed from marketing for several years due to concern over drug-induced seizures. It was reintroduced in July 1989 as an antidepressant (i.e., Wellbutrin), and later in a sustained-release formulation (i.e., Wellbutrin SR). Another sustained-release oral dosage form, Zyban, was approved for the management of smoking cessation in May 1997. Zyban received an additional indication for use in combination with nicotine transdermal systems (NTS) for treating the symptoms of smoking cessation in 1999. A controlled-release formulation (Wellbutrin XL) was approved in August 2003 as a once-daily formulation for major depression in adults. In June 2006, Wellbutrin XL was FDA-approved for prevention of major depressive episodes in patients with a history of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Wellbutrin XL is the first prescription product approved for patients with a history of SAD. In April 2008, a once-daily formulation of bupropion hydrobromide (Aplenzin) was approved by the FDA for depression, and in August 2012 Aplenzin was approved for the prevention of seasonal major depressive episodes in patients with SAD. Aplenzin differs from all previously marketed formulations which are the hydrochloride salt of bupropion.
Phentermine HCl
Phentermine is an oral sympathomimetic amine used as an adjunct for short-term (e.g., 8—12 weeks) treatment of exogenous obesity. The pharmacologic effects of phentermine are similar to amphetamines. Phentermine resin complex was approved by the FDA in 1959, but is no longer marketed in the US. Phentermine hydrochloride was FDA approved in 1973. In the mid-90s, there was renewed interest in phentermine in combination with another anorectic, fenfluramine, for the treatment of obesity and substance abuse, however, little scientific data support this practice. On July 8, 1997, the FDA issued a ‘Dear Health Care Professional’ letter warning physicians about the development of valvular heart disease and pulmonary hypertension in women receiving the combination of fenfluramine and phentermine; fenfluramine was subsequently withdrawn from the US market in fall of 1997. Use of phentermine with other anorectic agents for obesity has not been evaluated and is not recommended. In May 2011, the FDA approved a phentermine hydrochloride orally disintegrating tablet (Suprenza) for the treatment of exogenous obesity.
Topiramate is an oral antiepileptic drug (AED) used for partial-onset, generalized primary tonic-clonic seizures, and as an adjunct therapy in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. It is derived from the naturally occurring monosaccharide D-fructose and is structurally different from other AEDs. Unlike other AEDs, topiramate appears to block the spread of seizures rather than raise the seizure threshold. Topiramate possesses more than one mechanism of action, which may explain why it can be effective in patients with various seizures that are refractory to other agents. Topiramate continues to be studied as both add-on therapy and monotherapy in various refractory epilepsies in children and adults, including infantile spasms associated with West syndrome. It is also used for migraine prophylaxis in adult and pediatric patients. There is some evidence of a role for topiramate treatment ‘off-label’ for eating disorders such as binge-eating disorder, for tics due to Tourette’s syndrome or other chronic tic disorders, or for substance abuse disorders such as alcohol dependence.
Naltrexone HCl
Naltrexone is an oral opiate receptor antagonist. It is derived from thebaine and is very similar in structure to oxymorphone. Like parenteral naloxone, naltrexone is a pure antagonist (i.e., agonist actions are not apparent), but naltrexone has better oral bioavailability and a much longer duration of action than naloxone. Clinically, naltrexone is used to help maintain an opiate-free state in patients who are known opiate abusers. Naltrexone is of greatest benefit in patients who take the drug as part of a comprehensive occupational rehabilitative program or other compliance-enhancing program. Unlike methadone or LAAM, naltrexone does not reinforce medication compliance and will not prevent withdrawal. Naltrexone has been used as part of rapid and ultrarapid detoxification techniques. These techniques are designed to precipitate withdrawal by administering opiate antagonists. These approaches are thought to minimize the risk of relapse and allow quick initiation of naltrexone maintenance and psychosocial supports. Ultrarapid detoxification is performed under general anesthesia or heavy sedation. While numerous studies have been performed examining the role of these detoxification techniques, a standardized procedure including appropriate medications and dose, safety, and effectiveness have not been determined in relation to standard detoxification techniques. Naltrexone supports abstinence, prevents relapse, and decreases alcohol consumption in patients treated for alcoholism. Naltrexone is not beneficial in all alcoholic patients and may only provide a small improvement in outcome when added to conventional therapy. The FDA approved naltrexone in 1984 for the adjuvant treatment of patients dependent on opiate agonists. FDA approval of naltrexone for the treatment of alcoholism was granted January 1995. The FDA approved Vivitrol, a once-monthly intramuscular naltrexone formulation used to help control cravings for alcohol in April 2006, and then in October 2010, the FDA approved Vivitrol for the prevention of relapse to opioid dependence after opioid detoxification.
Methylcobalamin, or vitamin B12, is a B-vitamin. It is found in a variety of foods such as fish, shellfish, meats, and dairy products. Although methylcobalamin and vitamin B12 are terms used interchangeably, vitamin B12 is also available as hydroxocobalamin, a less commonly prescribed drug product (see Hydroxocobalamin monograph), and methylcobalamin. Methylcobalamin is used to treat pernicious anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency, as well as to determine vitamin B12 absorption in the Schilling test. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin found in the foods such as meat, eggs, and dairy products. Deficiency in healthy individuals is rare; the elderly, strict vegetarians (i.e., vegan), and patients with malabsorption problems are more likely to become deficient. If vitamin B12 deficiency is not treated with a vitamin B12 supplement, then anemia, intestinal problems, and irreversible nerve damage may occur.
The most chemically complex of all the vitamins, methylcobalamin is a water-soluble, organometallic compound with a trivalent cobalt ion bound inside a corrin ring which, although similar to the porphyrin ring found in heme, chlorophyll, and cytochrome, has two of the pyrrole rings directly bonded. The central metal ion is Co (cobalt). Methylcobalamin cannot be made by plants or by animals; the only type of organisms that have the enzymes required for the synthesis of methylcobalamin are bacteria and archaea. Higher plants do not concentrate methylcobalamin from the soil, making them a poor source of the substance as compared with animal tissues.
Caffeine is a naturally occurring xanthine derivative used as a CNS and respiratory stimulant, or as a mild diuretic. Other xanthine derivatives include the bronchodilator theophylline and theobromine, a compound found in cocoa and chocolate. Caffeine is found in many beverages and soft drinks. Caffeine is often combined with analgesics or with ergot alkaloids for the treatment of migraine and other types of headache. Caffeine is also sold without a prescription in products marketed to treat drowsiness, or in products for mild water-weight gain. Caffeine was first approved by the FDA for use in a drug product in 1938. Clinically, it is used both orally and parenterally as a respiratory stimulant in neonates with apnea of prematurity. Caffeine reduces the frequency of apneic episodes by 30—50% within 24 hours of administration. Caffeine is preferred over theophylline in neonates due to the ease of once per day administration, reliable oral absorption, and a wide therapeutic window. A commercial preparation of parenteral caffeine, Cafcit®, was FDA approved for the treatment of apnea of prematurity in October 1999, after years of availability only under orphan drug status (e.g., Neocaf). The FDA has continued the orphan drug status of the approved prescription formulation.
Endogenous oxytocin is a hormone secreted by the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus and stored in the posterior pituitary. It stimulates contraction of uterine smooth muscle during gestation and causes milk ejection after milk has been produced in the breast. Oxytocin has been associated with mating, parental, and social behaviors. Oxytocin is released during intercourse in both men and women, which has led to the belief that it is involved in sexual bonding. There is speculation that in addition to facilitating lactation and the birthing process, the hormone facilitates the emotional bond between mother and child. Oxytocin has also been studied in autism and have some sort of relation to the social and developmental impairments associated with the disease. Clinically, oxytocin is used most often to induce and strengthen labor and control postpartum bleeding. Intranasal preparations of oxytocin, used to stimulate postpartum milk ejection, are no longer manufactured in the U.S. Oxytocin was approved by the FDA in 1962.
Metformin is an oral biguanide antidiabetic agent similar to phenformin, a drug that was withdrawn from US marketing in 1977 due to the development of lactic acidosis. The risk for this adverse reaction is considerably lower with metformin, however. The actions of metformin differ from, yet complement, those of the sulfonylureas and other antidiabetic therapies. Compared to glyburide in type 2 diabetes, metformin was found to achieve similar glycemic control. although it lead to a higher incidence of digestive complaints. Metformin has been found useful in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS); it lowers serum androgens and restores normal menstrual cycles and ovulation, and may improve pregnancy rates. Additionally, limited data indicate that it may delay puberty onset in females with precocious puberty and delay menarche onset in females with early-normal onset of puberty. The use of metformin versus intensive lifestyle modification in patients with impaired glucose tolerance has been investigated, and while both reduce the incidence of diabetes, lifestyle intervention has the greater effect. Although lifestyle intervention is highly effective, most patients fail lifestyle modifications when used alone within the first year of diagnosis. Therefore, a joint consensus algorithm for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, developed by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, suggests that the combination of metformin with lifestyle interventions should be initiated at the time of diagnosis. Metformin was chosen as the initial drug therapy based on its efficacy, safety, and cost. Additionally, in a follow-up study to the UKPDS, researchers found that after 10-years of resuming typical care, patients originally randomized to metformin therapy had a 33% relative reduction (RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.51—0.89; p=0.005) in the risk of myocardial infarction and a 27% relative reduction (RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.59—0.89; p=0.002) in the risk of death from any cause as compared to patients originally randomized to conventional therapy; it should be noted that these reductions in cardiovascular risks persisted even though HbA1c concentrations were similar in the 2 groups after 1 year of follow-up. Metformin was introduced in Europe in the 1950’s but was not approved by the FDA until December 1994. It is approved for type 2 diabetes either as monotherapy or in combination with sulfonylureas, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, or insulin. The regular-release tablets were approved for use in children >= 10 years in January 2001. An oral solution (Riomet) was approved in September 2003. Three extended-release formulations have been approved, Glucophage XR in October 2000, Fortamet in April 2004, and Glumetza in June 2005, each with a unique drug delivery system (see Pharmacokinetics section). The extended-release formulations provide similar glycemic control compared to regular-release metformin, but have the advantage of once-daily administration. Another advantage is a claim of decreased adverse events, specifically gastrointestinal-related adverse events (i.e., flatulence, diarrhea); however, larger trials comparing regular-release to extended-release metformin are needed to confirm these claims as current trial results are conflicting.
Dexpanthenol is a precursor needed for acetylcholine synthesis, which in turn causes parasympathetic activity to maintain normal GI activity. The exact mechanism is not known.
Contraindications & Precautions
Some rare cases of allergic reactions have been reported when taking dexpanthenol injection in combination with drugs such as antibiotics, narcotics, and barbiturates.[1]
Use dexpanthenol only if clearly needing during pregnancy; animal reproductive studies have not been conducted. Dexpanthenol is a FDA pregnancy risk category C drug.[1]
It is not known whether dexpanthenol is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk, caution should be exercised when dexpanthenol is administered to a woman who is breastfeeding.[1] Consider the benefits of breastfeeding, the risk of potential infant drug exposure, and the risk of an untreated or inadequately treated condition. If a breastfeeding infant experiences an adverse effect related to a maternally ingested drug, healthcare providers are encouraged to report the adverse effect to the FDA.
Use caution in the management of adynamic ileus which may include the correction of any fluid and electrolyte imbalance (especially hypokalemia), anemia and hypoproteinemia, treatment of infection, and avoidance of drugs which are known to decrease gastrointestinal motility.[1]
If the ileus is secondary to a mechanical GI obstruction, primary attention should be directed to treating the obstruction.[1]
Acetaminophen; Butalbital; Caffeine; Codeine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Acetaminophen; Caffeine; Dihydrocodeine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Acetaminophen; Codeine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Acetaminophen; Hydrocodone: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Acetaminophen; Oxycodone: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Acetaminophen; Propoxyphene: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Alfentanil: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Aspirin, ASA; Butalbital; Caffeine; Codeine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Aspirin, ASA; Caffeine; Dihydrocodeine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Aspirin, ASA; Carisoprodol; Codeine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Aspirin, ASA; Oxycodone: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Belladonna; Opium: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Brompheniramine; Guaifenesin; Hydrocodone: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Brompheniramine; Hydrocodone; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Carbinoxamine; Hydrocodone; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Carbinoxamine; Hydrocodone; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Chlorpheniramine; Codeine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Chlorpheniramine; Dihydrocodeine; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Chlorpheniramine; Dihydrocodeine; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Chlorpheniramine; Guaifenesin; Hydrocodone; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Chlorpheniramine; Hydrocodone: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Chlorpheniramine; Hydrocodone; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Chlorpheniramine; Hydrocodone; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Codeine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of `dexpanthenol.[1]
Codeine; Guaifenesin: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Codeine; Phenylephrine; Promethazine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Codeine; Promethazine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Dihydrocodeine; Guaifenesin; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Diphenhydramine; Hydrocodone; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Fentanyl: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Guaifenesin; Hydrocodone: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Guaifenesin; Hydrocodone; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Homatropine; Hydrocodone: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Hydrocodone: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Hydrocodone; Ibuprofen: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Hydrocodone; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Hydrocodone; Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Hydrocodone; Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Hydrocodone; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Hydromorphone: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Ibuprofen; Oxycodone: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Levorphanol: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Meperidine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Meperidine; Promethazine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Methadone: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Morphine: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Morphine; Naltrexone: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Opiate Agonists: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Oxycodone: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Oxymorphone: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Propoxyphene: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Remifentanil: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Succinylcholine: (Minor) The effects of succinylcholine may be prolonged with dexpanthenol administration. It is recommended to separate doses of dexpanthenol and succinylcholine by at least 1 hour to decrease the potential for this effect.[1]
Sufentanil: (Moderate) Use caution when using dexpanthenol with drugs that decrease gastrointestinal motility, such as opiate agonists, as it may decrease the effectiveness of dexpanthenol.[1]
Adverse Reactions / Side Effects
There was a case report of respiratory depression following dexpanthenol administration.[1]
Two patients experienced vomiting and diarrhea in the days following surgery and dexpanthenol administration.[1]
There are minimal case reports of allergic reactions such as pruritus, urticaria, rash (unspecified), tingling, and difficulty breathing. If this occurs, dexpanthenol should be discontinued.[1]
Use dexpanthenol only if clearly needing during pregnancy; animal reproductive studies have not been conducted. Dexpanthenol is a FDA pregnancy risk category C drug.[1]
It is not known whether dexpanthenol is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk, caution should be exercised when dexpanthenol is administered to a woman who is breastfeeding.[1] Consider the benefits of breastfeeding, the risk of potential infant drug exposure, and the risk of an untreated or inadequately treated condition. If a breastfeeding infant experiences an adverse effect related to a maternally ingested drug, healthcare providers are encouraged to report the adverse effect to the FDA.
Store this medication at 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C) and away from heat, moisture and light. Keep all medicine out of the reach of children. Throw away any unused medicine after the beyond-use date. Do not flush unused medications or pour down a sink or drain.